Lara Jay Photographer" was born from a set of phases, moments, stories, and works.
In my childhood, I loved connecting with the feeling of being able to create, assemble and disassemble, paint and colour.
Arts and Physical Education were my favourite subjects, and they have always had a great impact and connections in my life. Art, connecting with my spirit and the creative force of all that is, with my higher self and my inner self. Bringing presence into the here and now.
And physical education, connecting with the movement of my physical body, energizing me and bringing strength to deal with the situations that life brings.
Photography was connected to me from a very early age until I discovered that I was also connected to it... I know that many children of my time didn't have as many photo records as my family did, and I can say that I was very lucky. Stacks of photo albums remind me of each stage of my life's history with lots of love and affection. continue...
Seeing and reviewing these photos always reconnects me with every step I've taken in my life. Touching each photo brings me a feeling of nostalgia for a childhood well lived!
I was born in Brazil, but now I live with my family here, in New Zealand.
Today, as a mother of two (who are always teaching me to reconnect with this inner child that I once was). Yuvraj and Flora are always in my photographic eyes. With them, I seek, refine, play and record every step they take.
I live far from my roots. The longing is great, but doing what you love is even greater.
I'm here to be able to record the moments of your life too, the ones that will become most important to you.
Being able to eternize something as beautiful as that brings me joy!